Evgeny Ustyugov (RUS) won today´s first medal, a Gold medal with Lapua Polar Biathlon, for his team at men´s 15km mass start. With a perfect shooting and a very strong last round, he reached the finish ahead of French Martin Fourcade and Slovak Pavel Hurajt (also with selected Lapua Polar Biathlon).
Magdalena Neuner (GER) won her second Gold (aggregated, her third medal) at these Olympics. She and her team mate Simone Hauswald (both with Lapua Polar Biathlon) shot precisely and came in 6 seconds after the Russian Olga Zaitseva in the last round. After an extremely exciting final, at least for all German and Russian fans, Magdalena Neuner took the first place, followed by Olga Zaitseva and Simone Hauswald.