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Great success for Lapua shooters at IPSC World Rifle Championships 2019

The IPSC World Rifle Championships 2019 were held in Karlskoga, Sweden in August. Lapua sponsored shooters Jarkko Laukia, Teemu Rintala and  Sami Hautamäki (FIN) as well as Lapua team member Raine Peltokoski attended the event, participating in the Open Semi-auto and Semi-auto Standard disciplines.

For the Lapua shooters, the World Championships were a great success. In the Open Semi-auto, Jarkko Laukia won gold, Raine Peltokoski took silver and Teemu Rintala finished fourth.  The same trio also won the Team event in the same dicipline. Sami Hautamaki took gold in the Semi-auto Standard discipline with Joe Easter (USA) taking silver and Håvard Ostgaard (Nor) bronze.⁣⁣  Here is Sami’s recap of the match:

⁣⁣“The match consisted of 30 stages, with the longest shooting distances being around 320 – 330 ms/yds.⁣⁣ The stages were beautifully designed, utilizing the natural forest surroundings and height differences. Some stages presented really tricky shooting positions and small targets. Absolutely the best organized and well-planned event I’ve ever attended. For me, the competition went great. On the first day I was able to gain a lead of 50 points to my toughest competitors, and during the following days I was able to increase that lead so that at the end of day 4 I was roughly 200 points ahead of the rest. During day 5, I just focused on shooting clean, avoiding mistakes. I used mostly the factory-loaded Lapua 55 gr FMJ, for a few longer distances I used Lapua brass with the 69 gr Scenar and Vihtavuori N133 powder.”⁣⁣

Congrats to the new World Champions and the whole team!⁣⁣

Pictures: Kimmo Iso-Tuisku